Bank Holidays by City
Banks and financial centers throughout the specified city are closed due to national or regional holidays or events.
Retail and domestic payments may not be possible.
Bank Holidays by Country
Banks and financial centers throughout the specified country are closed due to national holidays or events.
Retail and domestic payments may not be possible.
Currency FX Market Holidays
Foreign exchange market for the specified currency is closed. Generally, no fixing rate is published.
Currency Payment System Holidays
The national payment system for the specified currency is closed. Large-value and interbank payments are not possible.
Exchange Settlement Holidays
Cash settlement of trades is not possible because of one of the following:
- The banks are closed.
- The clearing agency is closed.
- The specified market is closed.
- Some combination of the above.
Exchange Trading Holidays
The specified market is closed for trading; therefore, settlement data is not published.
Daytime operations are shortened or revised from normal schedules due to a half or partial holiday. A half-day is a good business day unless it falls on a weekend or holiday.
ISDA Non-business Days
Currency payment system OR banks for a specified center are closed.
SIFMA Holidays
SIFMA (the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association) publishes holiday recommendations for global bond markets. These are recommendations only, which a market may or may not observe.
Country/Public Holidays
“Country/public” holidays is a term that is not easily resolved or defined. The terms and criteria that define a country/public holiday vary worldwide (e.g., national, federal, state, regional, municipal, government, school, etc.). Generally, it is not practical for us to refer to country/public holidays. The data provided in our products and service retains it’s focus on providing information on holidays that affect financial markets.
Public Vs. Financial Holidays (United States)
There is no consistent regulation from state to state on this matter, each state defines holidays differently. Some states have state-wide holidays that apply to all businesses, banks, government offices and/or services, and schools. Other states may have different holidays for each of these segments.
Trade Date
The day a trade is conducted. Trade Date does not necessarily equal the calendar date of the transaction. An international trade can span two dates (where the time difference causes trading to occur on different days).
Spot Date
The day when the transaction is done. In the foreign exchange market, spot is normally two banking days forward for the currency pair traded. For a trade that spans two dates (where the time difference causes trading to occur on different days), the first date is usually taken as the spot date.
Settlement Date
The date a trade settles (the actual day on which the transfer is completed).